App on APKPure App , one of the sources of Android app APKs not through the Google Play Store, has just been recognized as a gateway to malware infecting users.

App on APKPure App to be infected with malware

According to APKPure SlashGear, a report from Kaspersky Labs shows that its developers have fallen victim to the malware from a new adware SDK they have implemented. Specifically, this advertising SDK deceived developers to infect their own users with trojans and malware through other trusted applications.

The effect for Android users depends on whether they are running the latest operating system version and security patches. Mostly, users infected with malware will be hit by paid ads and subscriptions, but worst of all, users of an older version of Android may find themselves installed with malware that cannot be removed. quit on the phone's system partition.

Currently APKPure has to fix it in the latest version 3.17.19 of the application. If users are on version 3.17.18, immediately uninstall and scan the phone with an anti-malware app.

The above issue continues to be a warning for those who use third-party application sources to install apps on their phones if they don't want to be attacked by malware.